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Christmas & New Year Trading Hours for Chiropractic Moves
Hi Everyone.  Merry Christmas! We are still offering Chiropractic treatments over the Christmas and New Year Period.  However there are some changes to our normal practicing hours. Our opening times are as follows: Monday 21st ...
A Chance of Headache
America is a land of technological prowess and constant innovation and it seems the weather services are now predicting the chance a migraine sufferer might have a a headache on any given day. Please see ...
Find Your Trigger
We are all probably familiar with trigger points. They are little tight bands in our muscle fibres that ache away all day, are sharply painful when pressed upon, and relieve suddenly with a little sustained ...
Infantile Colic and Cow’s milk: Is there a link?
Infantile colic is a little controversial.  There is much debate about this condition; the points for debate include; cause, diagnostic criteria and if colic actually even exists.  At this point in time the consensus is ...
A Dizzy Adult
There are a variety of mechanisms behind the problem of dizziness, also called vertigo in medicine. Some of these causes are quite serious and will require immediate medical intervention to prevent ongoing balance and hearing ...
What Causes Asymmetrical Heads in Babies?
Babies heads often present in different shapes and sizes.  It is quite common for a baby's head to be asymmetrical, one type of asymmetry is termed plagiocephaly. Plagiocephaly can be quite worrisome for parents and can ...
We have moved! Now offering Chiropractic Appointments in Paddington, North Brisbane.
Come and visit our beautiful new Chiropractic space in Paddington, North Brisbane!               Michael and I are pleased to now offer Chiropractic appointments for the whole family in our ...
Terrible Torn Up Tendons
Tendon sprains, strains and tears are exceedingly common, affecting the athletic population as well as the sedentary population. Your doctor or other health professional may refer to these injuries as tendinopathy, tendinosis, tenosynovitis or even ...
Exercising Your Right to Health
Exercise means a lot of things to a lot of people and can be helpful or harmful depending on the type chosen. As well as being good for the way you look and your heart ...
Welcome 2015!
 Happy New Year to you all!  We are so excited to be back in   practice again for the New Year and we are looking forward to caring for many spines and minds in our ...