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An Open Letter to Interested General Practitioner’s


Dear Doctor,

This letter is to inform you about our new practice and about why you may like to refer to a Chiropractor.

Chiropractic Moves is an new evidence based chiropractic practice on the corner of James St and Annie St in New Farm. We work very closely with aligned practitioners including physiotherapists, osteopaths, podiatrists, myotherapists, acupuncturists and of course general practitioners and other medical specialists. We work with all age groups and are focused on musculoskeletal care.

As Chiropractors we hold undergraduate and post graduate degrees in Chiropractic and have a minimum of five years training. This training includes at least four and often five years of training in manual therapy and at least two years of training in exercise prescription. We commonly compose and conduct exercise rehabilitation programs for patients with lumbar and cervical disc disease, for shoulder impingement syndromes and for many post operative patients. We strongly believe in empowering our patients with self care exercises for dealing with their complaints outside of our practice.

We are confident and competent in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal disorders, including back pain, neck pain and peripheral joint pain. We offer conservative care for the above complaints where the causes are musculoskeletal. We are current with the biopsychosocial model of pain and place an emphasis on active care modalities and exercise based interventions.

We commonly treat many peripheral neuropathies, especially nerve entrapment syndromes like carpal tunnel (median nerve entrapment), bicycle seat neuropathy (pudendal nerve entrapment), meralgia paraesthetica (lateral femoral cutaneous nerve), genitofemoral nerve entrapment, iliohypogastric nerve entrapment and more. As a general rule if a nerve is close to the skin it may respond to cross friction or local tissue release techniques as well as the nueral gliding and flossing techniques as presented below.

We hope you will consider conservative care for patients with some of the above conditions.

We have a website at if you would like more details about our practice.

Below are some studies for those interested on the efficacy of Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT) as well the North American Spine Society’s clinical guidelines on dealing with Lumbar Disc herniation and Referred Pain.
Santilli V, Beghi E, Finucci S. Chiropractic manipulation in the treatment of acute back pain and sciatica with disc protrusion: a randomized double-blind clinical trial of active and simulated spinal manipulations. Spine J. Mar-Apr 2006;6(2):131-137.Burton AK, Tillotson KM, Cleary J. Single-blind randomised controlled trial of chemonucleolysis and manipulation in the treatment of symptomatic lumbar disc herniation. Eur Spine J. Jun 2000;9(3):202-207.McMorland G, Suter E, Casha S, du Plessis SJ, Hurlbert RJ. Manipulation or microdiskectomy for sciatica? A prospective randomized clinical study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2010 Oct;33(8):576-584.



Michael O'Doherty

Hi, I’m Michael; Chiropractor, Dad, science enthusiast, active weightlifter and keen sportsman. I work with busy and active people who are struggling with pain to find relief from their symptoms so that they can return to an active lifestyle, get through their work day and their workouts without having to pop a pill so that they can feel happier and healthier in their body.