Pregnancy and Low Back Pain
At Chiropractic Moves we work in a clinic of Midwives and we enjoy a healthy referral relationship with My Midwives Brisbane North. However many people and indeed their doctors remain sceptical of the efficacy of chiropractic care during pregnancy. To reassure our patients and their gp’s, obstetricians and other healthcare providers we have put together this letter, you can download and print it off, or email it to whomever you’d like.
If you feel like your healthcare could be improved with better communication again we can always get in contact with your doctor or doctor’s to discuss your treatment with them directly.
Hi, I’m Michael; Chiropractor, Dad, science enthusiast, active weightlifter and keen sportsman. I work with busy and active people who are struggling with pain to find relief from their symptoms so that they can return to an active lifestyle, get through their work day and their workouts without having to pop a pill so that they can feel happier and healthier in their body.