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Spinal Health: Stretching Out With Local Kids.


Recently I had the joy of spending time with the lovely children and parents at the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre Play Group.

The New Farm Neighbourhood Centre does an amazing job in our community. Each week they host a playgroup on Monday mornings from 10 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.

I was lucky enough to spend a morning with the Playgroup and we had a wonderful time talking about spinal health and postural fitness and we also got outside and active! We went through some exercises together that are specifically designed to help improve postural fitness and spinal health and they are perfect for growing children (and adults too) and most importantly the kids had an absolute ball!

The exercises are part of a community service initiative of Straighten Up Australia and the Chiropractors Association of Australia (CAA) . Their 3-minute spinal health program has the aim of helping kids in Australia feel and look their best.

 Check out the exercises here on the CAA website .

Until next time,

Take Care

Dr. Amanda Collins (Chiropractor)

Michael O'Doherty

Hi, I’m Michael; Chiropractor, Dad, science enthusiast, active weightlifter and keen sportsman. I work with busy and active people who are struggling with pain to find relief from their symptoms so that they can return to an active lifestyle, get through their work day and their workouts without having to pop a pill so that they can feel happier and healthier in their body.